
Bikes total / fixed: 5 / 2 Bike usage: commuting, tricks, polo, tours Gear ratio: 49×14 and 42×16 Short Questionnaire When and why did you start riding fixed? I always didn’t understand why I should ride a bike like that and sticked to my.

By Sep. 23,2009

MagBikes total / fixed:
5 / 2

Bike usage:
commuting, tricks, polo, tours

Gear ratio:
49×14 and 42×16



Short Questionnaire

When and why did you start riding fixed?
I always didn’t understand why I should ride a bike like that and sticked to my classic roadbikes. But then two years ago I tried a fixed gear bike of Ole’s La Bicicletteria – instantaneous happiness. Some months later my first track bike was ready, viagra over the counter.

How many and what kind of bikes do you have?
One classical track bike with dropbars, a beater bike for tricks and polo, a classical steel roadbike, a mountainbike and a dutch cargobike.

What bike related injuries did you have to suffer already?
Broken front teeth (still milk teeth), broken teeth (20 years later, now the real ones), broken collarbone.

What do you like most about riding in Stuttgart?
That you can always look around and see the rest of the city.

What do you hate most?
That you always got to ride uphill to look down.

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